It's Time to Plan 2022 and YOU!
Part One of a Two-Part Series
There are two types of people in the world.
Wingers and planners.
Wingers decide on a whim to have a party and voila, the people arrive! The food might be whatever's in the fridge and there's not enough of one thing or another, but wingers are happy to go with the flow!
Planners, on the other hand, would break out into a rash if they hadn’t thought through every detail. They obsess about the menu for every type of eater and run "what if" scenarios on repeat.
If you haven’t guessed it, I’m a planner. Yes, there are times it holds me back from the spontaneity of life. The wingers in my life such as my amazing son, remind me of how important it is to be "in the moment."
In business, however, I've come to appreciate that planning is at the core of getting what you want. I'd also argue that a good plan allows you to fully appreciate the moments you've planned for. When they arrive and exceed anything you've put on paper it's the most satisfying feeling in the world.
A plan is the single best way to reduce the number of steps to attain the biggest result.
As we come out of the tumbleweed of the last 20 months it’s time to plan for a spectacular 2022.
Are you ready?
Your 2022 Marketing Plan is the cornerstone of your recovery. It will …
Bring your BIG goals to life
Fill your pipeline with ideal prospects for you to nudge and nurture all year long.
Create a framework for simple, effective content.
Create customers.
Reveal measurable results you can continuously improve on.
Entice participation from your preferred suppliers
Provide a focus when chaos sets in
Keep your dream alive when doubts set in.
Whether you're a winger or a planner, getting your BIG ideas out of your head and onto paper will create clarity. A plan is as simple as stretching those ideas over a timeline of your choosing.
Next week we'll look at the Marketing Plan framework.
If you are interested in learning more about creating a Smart Marketing Plan for your travel business, join our Flying Colours Academy! Starting on December 3, 2021! We cover everything you need to plan for a spectacular business in 2022... Let this be YOUR year!
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Enjoy the journey!
PS If you know someone who would appreciate the tips shared in this newsletter please share this link.

For more tips join my FREE Masterclass on BIG Goal Setting. December 10th. Register HERE!
Get your copy of my book that will help you soar... Flying Colors - US - here! CAD - here!
I work with high achievers to help them skyrocket their journey. I have a limited number of Mentorship spots available this quarter. If you are interested hit reply or book an appointment on my calendly link here. Please include a few words to describe where you are and where you hope to be!