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Generating Leads – Stand Out by Standing Up for your Customers

Updated: Feb 23, 2023

Generating Leads – Stand Out by Standing Up for your Customers

What is a standing ovation?

When we think of a standing ovation we might picture Taylor Swift standing up for Harry Styles at the grammies or a wildly enthusiastic crowd at a Stanley Cup final leaping to their feet for the winning goal.

A standing ovation occurs when the audience feels genuine appreciation for an outstanding performance.

The interesting thing about a standing ovation is that they are contagious. We cannot help to stand on our feet when the rows in front of us rise.

The same thing happens when you stand up for your client's travel experiences. It draws immediate attention to their outstanding travel experiences so that others take notice.

The key is that you are the audience, not the performer.

One of the best ways to garner attention for your work in order to create a steady flow of leads is to give your clients a “standing ovation”. (Sign up for our upcoming webinar "Leads for Life". How to generate leads that keep ideal customers flowing to you).

The mistake advisors make when promoting travel is to make it about them.

  • I offer incredible service.

  • I have the best prices on cruises.

  • I specialize in luxury travel.

So what? You are not the hero of the story.

It is not that service, price, and expertise are unimportant. However, until a customer recognizes they need those things they do not matter.

Your customers are the heroes. You are the audience cheering them on.

Here are a few examples in the category of outstanding performance by travellers:

  • My newly retired client just surprised his wife with a trip to Africa for their 30th wedding anniversary.

  • My young professional clients said “yes to the dress” and are celebrating with 30 of their closest friends onboard a Celebrity Cruise ship.

  • My client who lost her parents last year just added a trip to their ancestorial home in Ireland before embarking on a walking tour of the British Isles.

In his book, “Building a Story Brand” Donald Miller explains why recognizing your customers as heroes is important.

When we position our customers as the hero,

and ourselves as the trusted guide,

we will be recognized as a trusted resource

to help them overcome their challenges.

You are the expert guide who helped them achieve outstanding experiences in their travel. (Click HERE for your FREE Worksheet on how to generate leads by standing up for your clients).

In order to attract leads, let prospects know the kinds of work you do for clients. The most attractive "lead magnets" are the things you do for clients that "surprise and delight them". It allows other people to relate to the experience because they can put themselves in your hero's place. As Seth Godin states in This is Marketing,

"People like us do things like this."

Standing up and cheering for your clients allows others to picture themselves doing similar things on their vacation. The best way to experience by using you as their expert guide.

If you are interested in a FREE consultation on how to drive more and better leads, book an appointment here.

PS I help travel entrepreneurs achieve the travel business of their dreams, in less time.

If you are hoping to achieve remarkable things in your travel career and would like to work with a coach, email I have a limited number of spots available in my exclusive, one-year Mentorship program.


Events with Geraldine Ree

Join our next 30 on Thursdays:

Thursday, March 16th at 9:00 AM PST, 12 Noon EST

Topic: Leads for Life: How to generate a steady flow of high-value clients.

Join us as we create a fast, fun, and financially rewarding seminar on rebuilding the travel industry.

This session is open to all Agency Owners, Advisors, and Suppliers.

Where the passion for business and travel meet!


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