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2 hours/week for 8 weeks

Guided mentorship by an expert

Connect with peers


Let’s take flight together!

The Atlas Flyover program is an immersive, high impact learning laboratory to build a deeper foundation for growth.

Designed specifically for travel agency owners who possess the yearning to grow and have reached a cap in their capacity.

The Atlas Flyover program is an immersive, high impact learning laboratory to build a deeper foundation for growth.

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This group mentoring program is based on a proven framework - The Atlas. It combines the essential elements of experience, expert guidance, and supportive feedback.


An 8-week group intensive program for travel agency owners to reinforce the foundation of their business. It's time to overcome the resistance and shift from overwhelm to thriving! 

Finally, you find the proven path to working ON your business, not IN it

The 8-Week Atlas Flyover Program

Building Unstoppable Growth

Starts January, 2025

8 weeks of comprehensive masterclass training.

Weekly 90-minute workshops

Live, facilitated online classes with plenty of time for one-on-one mentoring, ask me anything sessions, and feedback

VIP Access to our exclusive Learning Management Portal with high impact additional resources, weekly emails, communication, peer learning and support

Mastercraft Toolkit - Resources, tools, and tips galore specifically designed for high-growth owners.

Mastermind sessions facilitated to accerate learning because 12 minds are better than one!

A Mentor Guide with a proven system for recruiting and onboarding high-performing advisors

1-on-1 Mentoring with Geraldine Ree

8 Modules released every week including videos, workbooks, and new course material.

Video recordings of each session

Total Value: over $6,000

Price:  $2,900 CAD (USD $2,200)

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The 8-Week Atlas Flyover Program

Building Unstoppable Growth

Here's everything you need to know about what's in the program:


Define and articulate a compelling vision that inspires and guides your Mission. Learn how to set clear, actionable goals that seamlessly connect to the market, and empower your team.

What is your clear path to success? 

Getting clear on your strategic pathway requires a map for every process in your business. We will unpack five proven roadmaps to shift you from overwhelmed to soaring! 

Establishing Specific Goals

This puts your intention into a specific success metric for doing the work that will result in changing your business for the better! 

You will walk away with a high level plan, the right strategy and the committed people to start your next level with confidence! 

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“All progress starts with telling the truth.” Dan Sullivan. Before we start we need to know what we already have, and what we need to focus on in order to complete the journey to a successful recruiting strategy. 


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Your journey from overwhelm to thriving starts with your people. When PEOPLE ARE THE PLAN, everything you need is taken care of. 

Positioning your business attracts top talent. 

Pinpoint the perfect dream team with precision. You’ll learn how to creating a people plan for the business is the most effective path to performance!

Getting it out of your head and into copy

You’ll learn how to optimize your online presence with the write message, ensuring that the best advisors find you with ease.

Creating an outline for your website

Your website is like a community center bulletin board. You need it to be positioned like a beacon so that it works while you sleep. Discover what most agency owners get wrong, and you will finally get it right!


The key to connecting with the market is to engage your team in promotions that stand out. The consumer doesn't know how much you care, until you demonstrate value. 

Create a steady flow of high value customers through high impact marketing. Engage advisors in the ultimate marketing and promotions plan. 

Mapping out Checkpoints Make it Clear

We will map out a high level view of "on demand" promotions, 12 months in advance. 


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Know your magic numbers


Every travel business owner knows that your data informs the decisions you make in your business. But which numbers matter? We will unpack the Profit, Performance, and Contribution numbers that make the magic happen! 

Supplier Performance is a critical factor in your success. 

The fastest path to high profit growth is to develop a strategy for working with your key partners. Profitable Partnerships require a two way investment. In this session we will reveal a proven supplier strategy to power your business. 

A One Page Plan - Every 90 Days

Say goodbye to the comprehensive, multipage report that is designed and put in a drawer. In the final session you will walk away with a ONE PAGE overview that can and will be modified every 90 days! 

Is it time? Let's take the next step, together!

Who Is the Atlas Flyover Academy For? 

Travel Agency Owners with Teams

Agency owners who have a proven track record of over five million in sales and a team of 12 or more. 

Stalled, overwhelmed, and need insights.

You are a go getter but you are losing steam. You are working too hard, there are not enough hours and you struggle to recruit a team. You know you have it in you but, where to start? 

Need to build a solid foundation to get to the next level! 

Growth is challenging when there are too many competing forces for your time and energy. Find a new, bolder and better way to grow! 

Have you ever realized that despite all your hard work, things aren't as seamless as they should be?

You've been running fast, thinking it's all getting done - you hope. 


But does it really?


Your work follows you home, cluttering your thoughts 24/7.


You keep telling yourself as soon as this next (fill in the blank with project, group, IT solution) happens things will slow down

That is the big lie we tell ourselves because it never does! 

Despite stepping in to save the day, you feel like you’re letting your clients, your team members, and even your own family down.

You are always busy, but are you productive? Are you doing meaningful work that matters?  

Isn't it time you find out what is waiting for you on the other side of busy? 


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You deserve better. 

You deserve to stop feeling tired of being tired.

Everything, Everywhere, All at Once
is a great movie but a challenging way to run your business.

3 Reasons Why You Are Running Fast, Losing Ground, and Never Finding Time to Achieve the Next Level in your Business?

Reason #1

“I cannot find the right people to join my team." 

The right people are all around you. The key is to put out the right invitations to the go getters who are the best fit for you and your team. 

Reason #2

“I don't have a good system to keep my time and business on track. Everything is changing so fast, and I cannot keep up"

When you have a systemic approach to your business, everything becomes easier or unnecessary. Step by step you will find a new and better way to grow and scale your business, in less time. 

Reason #3

“I don’t have time to train new advisors.”

The reality is working with a small team with not enough support keeps you trapped in the never-ending cycle of long hours, low profits, and endless stress. You'll never have the time or energy to recruit high quality advisors or take your business to the next level – because you’re already too busy. 

You need a structured framework to apply your unique ability to change the world. 

If you’ve made it this far, then you ALREADY know that shifting by strengthening your foundation – is critical to the success of your travel agency.


With the right mindset and strategies, you can break free from the daily grind and start building a business that supports your life goals. You can attract ideal advisors, streamline your operations, and scale your impact. All it takes is a willingness to think bigger and take bold action.


It's time to shift out of survival mode and into thriving mode. 


Because when you switch from focusing on running flat out to preparing to go up to a higher level, you’ll finally…


  • Feel the instant relief that help is on the way

  • Free up your mental space to focus on bigger-picture strategies 

  • Grow your agency with talented advisors you can trust

  • Boost the morale of the entire team

  • Travel for fulfilment, not as the new home office

  • Attract better clients 

  • Achieve higher profits


This constant pressure of feeling stuck doesn’t have to gnaw at you anymore. It’s time to get expert guidance and watch your travel agency soar to new heights.

Meet your personal cheerleader and
no-excuse business mentor

I'm Geraldine Ree.

What’s unique about me is that I’ve held every seat at the table. No matter what role you have in the travel industry, I’ve already walked a mile in your shoes, and I’ve worn out every shoe in the closet!

My knowledge covers all aspects of the travel industry:

  • Over two decades as a senior leader for Expedia Cruises and Princess Cruises


  • Bestselling author of two books: Flying Colors and 10X My Travel Business


  • Godmother of the Viking Eistla

When I’m not riding my mountain bike through the luscious forests and beaches here in White Rock, BC, relishing my Nana days with three grandchildren, or enjoying long walks with my husband, Cam, and our faithful four-legged companion, Blueberry – I’m writing my next book Atlas of a Travel Business, mentoring travel agency owners to build better advisors faster, or solo dancing to Feel It Still to kick off my keynote presentation at TMR.


Faith and grit summarize my belief system. My drive comes from a deep sense of purpose: to use every God-given gift we have to serve others. 

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Vicki Freed
SVP of Sales, Royal Carribean

Knowing Geraldine for over 20 years, I can say without hesitation what a champion she is for the Travel community. Her passion and enthusiasm not only inspire those she knows, they have a true impact on our industry.


One of the many things I love about Geraldine is her appreciation for training and education to enhance the value travel advisors bring to their clients.

Janice Lonnqvist
Travel Agency Owner

Working this last year with coach Geraldine has been the most informative, eye-opening, and soul-searching time in my business yet!
She has helped me learn to become a better business person, and team leader. She just knows how to bring out the best in me.


Geraldine is the person you would want to work with if you would like to make a change in your business and yourself!

Susan Walker
Travel Agency Owner

Geraldine is just what you need in a coach. She is a cheerleader when you need her to be, a no-excuse coach when you start telling your story that doesn't help you drive your business. She is agenda-driven but always open to working on something that may have come up between sessions. She works on your strengths and weaknesses and can see in you what maybe you can't see.

You are invited to join a unique cohort of peers.

The best part of working with me is my people. My clients are the reason I leap out of bed every morning. They are dedicated, kind, intelligent, committed to their values, and making an impact! I learn from them every day. If you would like to join the best network in the travel industry, I encourage you to apply.  12 hearts, minds and souls are better than one! 

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The promise is SIMPLE.


Follow the program step-by-step, build a deeper, more balanced Atlas Framework into your work, and you will get results. Period.


You will have more clarity, understand the deep principles of how things work together, and a set of strategies that work together for a far greater impact. 

As your Mentor, I will look into the neglected areas of your business where the opportunities lie. 

I promise to give you my best. If you join me by doing your best, we will get you up a better mountain together. 

Why am I so confident doing this?

I’ve personally witnessed the the joyful transformation of other travel agency owners just like you, from "over it" to overjoyed! 

The Atlas is based on three decades of experience and a proven formula for getting results. Every person who goes through my program makes it better. Not only will you be receiving you will be giving back to others to make thame stronger too. 

The Compass Insights profile will reveal hidden opportunities for you own journey and help you instantly find the best, and bring out the best in your team .

With this bright light of focus you will finally be able to grow the team you have always wanted! 

Questions your fellow travel agency owners ask before saying “yes” to The Atlas Flyover Program

“I want to do this, but I’m afraid I’m too busy already.”

I hear you. I completely understand. I know what it feels like to be burning both ends of the candle, waiting for a break. Nobody wants to work any harder. 


But here’s the good news: This Atlas is designed to fit into your busy schedule. The weekly 90-minute workshop calls will be recorded for you, so you won’t have to worry about missing if you are traveling or unable to attend. 


It's not about adding more to your plate but about optimizing your time. 

If you’re too busy, then this Atlas is exactly what you need. Cheers to the end of busy and the start of fulfilled. 

“Can’t I just get mentoring from my Consortia or Host?”

They can certainly offer valuable help. However what I know (based on my lived experience running one for 11 years) HQs and Hosts have a great deal on their already busy plate supporting you in other ways. 


Recruitment is a specialty, unlike any other growth strategy in your business. 

I've spent the past two years dedicated to learning the ins and outs of what makes it work.

"Will this really work? I have tried other programs and they don't apply to my business. I cannot afford to waste my time." 

You are not alone. Every business is as unique as its owner. There are also fundamentals of running and growing a thriving organization that often get blurred in the tyranny of the urgent. 


We take 8 weeks to lay a deep foundation in your business so that chaos no longer rules the day. 


8 Weeks is not overnight, but nothing worthwhile ever is. 


Isn't it worth investing in a mentor and system that can stand up for what is important in your day? 


Join us and let me help you as the voice of your business! 

Still undecided?
Truthfully, the Atlas Flyover is not for everyone.

See if you check any of these boxes:

You’re the owner of an extraordinary travel agency, eager to find a long-term solution to streamline your recruitment, engagement and marketing process and build a high-performing team.

You know you want (and need!) personalized mentoring, mentorship, and support from an experienced industry leader with three decades of knowledge and experience tailored to the unique needs of boutique travel agencies.

You’re known for your dedication and willingness to work hard, and you're ready to invest the time, effort, and resources required to implement new strategies and processes for sustainable growth.

You’re actively trying to improve, but the progress is too slow: You're already investing significant time and effort to grow your team and improve your recruitment process, demonstrating your commitment to success.

You’ve had at least two fires to put out this month where you’ve had to solve a major crisis or get on the phone yourself to solve a problem that pulled you away from being the confident, calm, visionary owner or leader you WANT to be.

You literally don’t have time. Not in a “I’m just too busy” way but more in a real way, “I sound like a broken record and I am tired of being tired." 

Paradoxically, that’s why you should join my program. As your company’s most vital asset, you shouldn’t be spending your precious time and talent on putting out fires. Unless things change, you’re setting your company (and yourself) up for burnout.

You dream of traveling and leaving your business in capable hands? Imagine the relief when you bring on new (and highly qualified) advisors, engage with your team more than ever, and empower a leadership team who’ll take care of your business as though it was their own. 

This is a long term solution to work and business balance. 

This isn’t just a possibility. I’ve seen it become a reality for other travel agency owners I’ve mentored who were in your shoes, right where you’re standing.

You’re enthusiastic about the fact that in just 8 weeks, you WILL have a proven system set up to work for you. The biggest benefit for you will be fresh insight into a better way to lead and grow your business, backed by tools, resources, and roadmaps to support you. 

If you’ve checked off at least 6 of the 9 items above, you owe it to yourself, your team members and your clients to join the Atlas Flyover

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Applications open October 1st, 2024
The Atlas Flyover starts January 9th, 2025

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